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Document Translation Process

This is the document translation process from receiving an initial job request to getting, managing, and completing and invoicing translation orders.

The document translation process

The idea is to describe the translation process itself. I have an organized management system to deal with orders and opportunities.

Process stepInformation needed
Opportunity confirmedCustomer PO number
Create card in Task managerNumber of words, client company, agency name, job type, order number
Set up Trados projectSource document
Set up projectNumber of words, client company, agency name, domain, job type, order number
Translate the document
Proofread and check standardized termsterms database project
Check with Antidote
Read back text with text to speech
Generate target documents
Deliver target to customer

Process to respect deadlines

I have developed this order management process over time to 'productionise' production. The objective is to have a repeatable process, not reinvent the wheel for every order.

My objective is also to demonstrate to my customers that I manage orders and give them confidence that I will keep to deadlines on allocating a job.

This makes work more achievable and helps me predict delivery deadlines more reliably.

The Translation Process

These are the steps in the document translation process, from an order coming into my CRM to returning a translated target document.

Centralizing this data makes following up much easier. The number of words + task type (translation, proofing, transcription) + due date enable you to determine if the job is feasible.

Once the order is complete, Odoo is used for invoicing (estimate converts to invoice, invoice sent to customers). The estimate is ready for invoicing, it already includes the PO number.

I use Trados Studio Freelance with Windows Voice Input. This is the translation process from a confirmed opportunity to proofreading and returning target documents

I do my translations in Trados, which decomposes documents into 2 columns, source and target. Once all segments are complete, I check the spelling and grammar with Antidote.

I read back a target document with text to speech, to get a feeling for whether it sounds right, then correct it.

Using Trados

Trados can accept almost any file format (see complete file list). Once imported, the document displays as two columns, source and target.

Once the target segments are complete and checked, the translated target document can be exported with the original document formatting.

I use voice input to facilitate entering target text. This saves keyboard time (and RSI), is quicker.

Terms database

While working, I use a custom terms database, which helps me store terms for future reference, but also to standardize terms within a project. It is a handy way of exporting terms for customer review during or at the end of the project.

Also, keeping vocabulary categorised makes it possible to take on repeat work from the same end customer and maintain standard vocabulary without having to re-research the domain.

The database also helps me to generate statistics on the volume of translation, revision and transcription words done based on recent projects.

Proofreading (Antidote)

I double-check my work and validate all segments. Then I use Antidote grammar checker, by clicking on Corrector in the Trados add-in menu.

Antidote checks can be more or less in- depth. The basic check is just looking for spelling mistakes.

The advanced check is about phraseology, the way sentences are structured, whether they use repetition, too many prepositions, active or passive tenses, etc.

Technical, audiovisual, artistic, literary, legal all have different types of checking. You don't use Antidote that much in a scientific text, but in literary or tourism texts you do.

Text to Speech checking

I use the Text to Speech Trados plugin tool from SDL, which is a very useful way to double-check translated text to make sure it 'sounds right'.

Export target document

Once the job is complete, we export the target document and return it to the customer. We may also provide a bilingual review file, the translation memory, term base and questions related to terminology.

Translation of Technical Documents