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Machine Tools Database

Our machine tools database was developed to catalogue the partners in the market, manufacturers and distributors who deal in the various machines. We also use it to catalogue the types of machines that are on the market and the functions they perform, enabling us to derive technical terms based on their functionality.

Video of the machine tools database

This video of the machine tools database describes its function: to catalogue partners who distribute or manufacture machine tools. It includes a catalogue of examples of machines from these partners.

This database is designed to store a description of the machines' functions and derive technical terms for translation. Beyond the use of the database to approach potential customers, it is a growing resource for specific technical terms related to machine tools.

Database structure

The main database entities are partners (manufacturers, distributors), machines, and machine functions.


Partners can be distributors or manufacturers, users, parts suppliers or design engineers. The main thing is to categorize partners by size and type, but also to link them to the machines that they distribute or manufacture.

The partner card shows the machines that they distribute, with a count of the number of machines that I've catalogued for them and various contact details, including address, telephone number, the language that they use, their size, and some of the prospecting actions that I've planned.

This is an example of a distributor with the number of machines that I've catalogued for them. You can navigate to the detailed functionality of each machine.


This is an example of a horizontal machining centre and the description of machining.

Its function is machining; it is distributed by LMO, and the manufacturer is Biglia. And I can link back to all the machines produced by the manufacturer or distributed by the linked partner.


And then, functions. You can see the functions that I've listed, and there are quite a few, with the translation into French. And again, a count of the number of machines with that function. I use the example of cutting, which is linked to three machines. And again, we can go back into each machine and find out who the manufacturer and the distributor are.

I can navigate back to the sources that I've used to develop the description of the function. And from the function, you can navigate to the machines which provide the function in question. And some of the functions have quite extensive descriptions, such as hobbing, for which I have quite a detailed description.

Technical Terms

And finally, I have the technical terms that I have extracted from this context with the French and English translations, and often a detailed description of the term.


This database allows me to catalogue partners, manufacturers, and machines in the market. I relate functions to machines, and derive technical terms for the purposes of translating technical documents.

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