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Video Editing Projects

We did many video editing projects during the years transferring old media to digital. Often simple exports of transferred media, or compilations and reduction edits.

Recording and video editing for theatre

We had the pleasure of recording and editing the following plays

This video includes clips from

  • Texts by Christian Descamps at the Athena local arts centre
  • Two plays by a local company les Traiteaux Trinitains,
  • Readings by local poet Charles Lescuyer,
  • Play organized at a local old people's home in Séné,
  • Tribulations Alcoolisées by l'Association Seconde Souffle

Recording and video editing for events

We recorded this event and edited the video in 2013 for the A Portée de Choeur Auray charity, which raises money for people in difficulty via les Restos du Cœur.

Diverse video editing projects

Below is a short fun edit based on content recorded on an iPhone, edited quickly with a sound synchronization effect.

Create a souvenir event video of your wedding, baptism, communion, that does justice to the original event. We can reduce up to 10 hours of film into a one-hour summary edit. All you need to do is give us a digital film, and we take care of the rest.

Simple video editing projects

Here is an example of digitally editing VHS video recordings to take out the 'snow' which so often plagues old VHS tapes. Simple video editing is designed to make a video more agreeable to watch.

Reduction Video Editing Projects

Reduction Video Editing is about reducing perhaps 10 hours of film to one hour or less. Watching ten hours of film is, of course, possible, but it is nice to have a shorter version that can be watched easily.

Souvenir Video Editing Projects

It is best if several people film the event so that wan can choose the best shot of the scene. Several versions of the same scene allow us to improve video editing by showing multiple angles.

Photo slideshow video editing projects

Compiling a photo slideshow, putting it to music with transitions is a straightforward way to show them to family and friends. 

We know about memories, we often deal in memories, people coming often with films with people passed away in them. When asked, it was natural to do an edit with all the photos from someone's life even after they had passed away. It is of course primarily for those who remain.

Below are two examples of compiling a video of photos with the music that the person liked. These are all done in haste in between the person passing away and the service. For those who remain, there's no need for special effects, the photos speak for themselves.

Compilation video editing projects

We had the pleasure of working for the John Fogerty Fan Club in France - for those connoisseurs who know exactly what bits to choose.

Jean Guillemet talks about the countryside

This is a documentary on Jean Guillemet, l'Espérance de Vie, which was screened in three local cinemas - in Josselin, Locminé and Grand Champ.

The main protagonist, Jean Guillemet at the age of seventy-six, gives us his views on the changes in society since the Land Consolidation, the departure of people to the city. Shops and schools no longer exist in their countryside. "Life was simpler, but harder," he says.

Jean depicts his vision of simpler personal relationships, people were in more direct contact, more open, and encourages us to reflect on his maxim, "It's the motivation that counts".

We followed Jean Guillemet over 2 years through his campaign, 2 parties in his handmade hut, a visit to a menhir with 4 generations present, the oldest of which is a 96-year-old lady and his construction of a traditional well on his land, symbol of the simplicity of life in the past.

Nevertheless, he depicts a harsh countryside where people went three kilometres to school across the fields, lived in isolated houses, washed their laundry at the lavoir and went to fetch bread baked in a village communal oven.

Video filming and editing projects

If you are unsure what is on your tapes or films, if you need them in a particular order but cannot watch them prior to transfer, digitise them and watch them first on DVD. We edit your recorded films. In general, people know that the tape or film is of reasonable value, but they have not been able to view them for a long while.

We add a time code to your films to enable you to give us precise instructions, and we can add titles to label each film transferred.

We edit your recorded films

You want to transfer your tapes or film reels to digital but you don’t know exactly what they contain since you have not been able to play them for a long time. Unfortunately, we do not offer the possibility of viewing the contents of your tapes or reels prior to transfer. However, we do offer you a complete service option where we transfer to digital and include editing.

Why would you want to do this? Your films are of a certain age, you do not know exactly what they contain, but you would like to have a final result which is fluid and succinct, free of superfluous image. You may have a precise objective for your films, such as focusing on particular people or themes.

While we do not offer the possibility of reviewing your films prior to transfer, we do offer the possibility of transferring them and providing you with an initial digital copy on DVD, USB key, hard drive or on YouTube in order to review the contents of the transfer. If you do not wish to edit in any way, then you already have the final results, and you keep the media provided.

Note the sequences to keep or remove. If you would like to modify your films once recorded, simply note the sequences o keep or remove in the table provided.

If your tapes or reels were all mixed up, the beginning might be at the end and vice versa. This type of table enables you to tell us the required order of the sequences.

  1. Review the recorded material
  2. We record your tapes or reels
  3. We export the recording to DVD, key, hard disk or YouTube.
  4. Watch the recordings and decide what you want to keep or delete.
  5. Complete the table 'keep or cut'
  6. Return the table to us, and we make the required changes.
  7. Review the recordings and decide if the changes are sufficient
  8. Repeat if necessary

Why edit your recorded films and what sort of sequences can you take out?

You might well discover that the camcorder was left on but unattended, thus filming the inside of a handbag, the wall or the floor. These are the most obvious types of sequences to remove.

Recordings are not in chronological order. You were not able to identify dates or locations prior to recording. On watching your film, you notice that sequences are not in chronological order. You decide that you would like to have them in chronological order.

You find the film too long, or you would like to focus on certain people, scenes, locations or events. Perhaps there are certain sequences that do not interest you at all and would simply like to exclude them. So as you watch the film, you note the time code of the sequences that you would like to remove.

Perhaps you would like to edit your recorded films according to a theme, for example just focus on Grandad.

The film is too long. Perhaps you have recorded all of your holidays over a ten-year period, which might give you perhaps 10 or 15 hours of film. Sometimes not much happens. A barbecue goes on and on, people are at the beach, there is a party. A good resume of a film mentions the significant people once or twice for only relatively short periods of time. More than that may get boring, be unnecessary. An edited film is a final product. A transferred film is raw material.

We edit your films - set us an objective

Specifying sequences to cut and retain is one way of working. But you could give us a certain number of indications, and we will do the rest, such as ... NB: Alternative methods exist to edit your recorded films. It is possible for us to work together where you identify simply the people that you would like to remove or keep, or say remove all the scenes where there are no people at all. We can identify the people concerned as we go through the film. Most often, customers wish to focus on people in particular.

Keep some or all of the film with Grandad, but remove all the film where there are no people or where there is just background scenery.

Take out the slow sequences, filming the floor, the ceiling or the film is just not aesthetically pleasing ...

So you could simply just give us an objective. If we were to produce a one-hour film down to 15 minutes, just give us your feelings about the film, what you like and what you don’t like, and we will do the rest ... Of course, we will give you a first draught edited version and will retain all the cut sequences so that you can change your mind.

You will already have viewed the raw footage. This is a first draught version. You then view the draught version and let us know how you feel about it, whether we have taken out too much, whether you would like certain things put back in or adjusted.

After a second corrective edit, you review the film on DVD, key, hard disk or on YouTube.

We hope that this will enable you to approve a final version, which we edit on the format of your choice.

What cost to edit your recorded films?

We always work based on an initial quotation, which establishes a total cost for your project. Sometimes we can simply calculate the number of cuts or reorder operations.

But projects may vary enormously, especially if we work based on your guidelines rather than a predetermined number of cuts. In this case, we calculate our quotation based on the time we expect to take and an hourly rate. Once the quotation established and signed, the project price is fixed, and we will charge you no more than originally agreed.

For this reason, we spend quite a little time with you to understand your requirements to make sure that we understand how you want your film edited.

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