Translation prices
French to English Translation €0.85 per source word
English to French Translation €0.85 per source word
MTPE €0.50 per source word
Video Transcription €3.00 per source minute
Video Subtitling €5.00 per source minute
Technical Translation
French to English translation of technical documents: instruction manuals, user guides, technical specifications, machine descriptions.
- French to English Translation
- English to French translation
- Image Localization
Video Translation
- Transcription and translation of English Video to French
- Transcription and translation of French video to English
- Video Subtitling and Translation
- Simple text proofing
- Machine Translation Post Editing (MTPE)
- Content Revision - proofing with extensive modification
- Transcreation: rewriting a text with the cultural references of the target language
Website Translation
- Keyword research
- Localization of text and images
- Semantic analysis
- Configuration of multi-language sites (WordPress, WPML, WooCommerce)
Please enquire for prices for video editing projects